The production process of spice tin

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The production process of spice tin
The ultimate manifestation of spice tin does not exist as an independent art form, but rather through a series of complex production processes such as printing and production
Its molding process: design - make printing drafts - color separation, plate making - printing (including embossing, hot stamping, film sticking) - box rolling - adhesive molding.
Among them, letterpress printing is the process of separating artwork and black and white drafts through photography, and then transferring them to a copper zinc plate or copper plate through a photosensitive film. The plate is then aged in a nitric acid solution to corrode the unwanted parts, leaving behind a concave convex shape on the plate along with the decayed part, which is called a concave convex plate. Offset printing uses electronic scanning, color separation, and photographic plate making. It is to make a printing plate by photosensitive the color separation film plate and the drug film on the PS plate produced by electronic color separation. The PS plate is mounted on a printing machine, printed with ink, and then run on the printing machine. After reprinting on the rubber plate, it is transferred to paper. Rolling concave convex, hot stamping, and laminating are determined according to the printing requirements and are special processing techniques for printing
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